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Personal Bio

Gunit Anand

Hi, my name is Gunit Anand. I was born on 5th October 1998 in New Delhi, India. I studied in Delhi Public School, Indirapuram. I was a student who always created mess for teachers and for my fellow friends at my age of 10. I was one of the students who was blamed first even when the mistake was done by others. I was the one who always forgot the important documents to bring to the school and I made certain excuses to my friends and teachers to help me. When I was in class 5th I realized the studies became tougher and my curriculum was in danger. I hoped for the best to happen for my final result of class 5th. When my class 5th was complete I hailed a relief to myself. In class 6th the studies became comparatively easier for me to understand but, the number of subjects increased. Still I made efforts to cope up. I was now able to reason and understand the theories behind the things around. I improved my result in class 6th and I got a push(motivation) of getting better and much better marks/grades. When I was in class 7th my peer group supported me and I started my growth in studies from class 7th. In class 7th I had received my first scholar badge. I just studied and had never given up on the boring subjects like Social Studies. After a few weeks I started to learn guitar. I played in school and also during free periods. I started realizing what are my interests and hobbies. I had a good result in class 7th. All my friends were shuffled to different sections as I got promoted to class 8th . I was now among new faces and it took some time to make new friends and to remember their names. The teachers of class 8th was good and took care of every aspect (from co-curriculum to curriculum activities). I was not among the book worm category still I managed to get another scholar badge in grade 8 . I started to take guitar exams at Rockschool, London and in my 1st grade I passed with distinction. Then as I grew up I cleared many levels of exams (in school as well as in guitar) and then I finally reached to class 10th. Many became friends as well as enemy. Everyday life showed new challenges to sustain the position in my class. I always smiled whether the situation was with me or against me. I made friends and got emotionally attached to them and when the year was at the end, everyone was busy in their preparation for the final examination. I scored good marks in class 10th still many of them took their ways to their journey’s and we all (friends) got separated after class 10th.It was time to say goodbye to school. Before leaving school, I participated for a photography competition and won that competition. I changed my school and came to Delhi Public School, R.K Puram for my higher education. I was lonely when I changed my school. But gradually I made friends and I got acclimatized to the situation. And then a new lively life came to me and I got a full inspiring power to excel in studies as well as in co-curriculum activities. All the teachers were supportive and made us realize our mistakes. The time passed like a bursting balloon and it came to end of my class 12th and then everyone focused only on studies and then gave their board exams and flew to their paths of life which they chose. Again, everyone is left alone and hope they all will be placed at a good place in their span of life.